Mar 28, 2012

I discovered magic, I mean Flexi-rods!

The heat has got to go before I start getting addicted. I need a curler that I can sleep in comfortably. I had already purchased these Flexi- rods

I came across the Hairlista Inc blog today and oh my goodness, Sunshyne did a Flexi-rod set using only 2 rods! I bought 12 and my Hair is no where near MBL like hers haha. Well better too many than not enough. Anyhow I M&S'd and I guess if it looks decent, i'll post a pic of my results tomorrow.


  1. I saw that post, her hair was UH-MAZE-ING!!! MBL is my final length goal so I can't wait til I can replicate hers. But I love versatile!

  2. I'm looking forward to trying them out. I hope it turns out good
